Season 2 – The Seewen Murder Mystery
Listen to all Episodes on any platform of your preference and get hooked to this mysterious Swiss crime story.
A gripping true crime podcast delving into Switzerland’s most talked-about and perplexing murder case. Five family members ruthlessly murdered in cold blood, executed with chilling precision. Shot at point-blank range in the forehead, none of the victims resisted or attempted to escape. This crime bears a haunting resemblance to a Mafia contract killing, and its motives continue to elude the police, shrouded in mystery to this day.
Media – Trailer
The five Seewen victims. From left to right: Eugen Siegrist (63), Elsa Siegrist (62), Max Westhäuser (49), Anna Westhäuser (80), Emanuel Westhäuser (52).©Archives HEV
Episode 1, Out in the Green
On July 7, 1976 a 28 year old daughter finds her parents and aunt along with her two sons murdered at her father’s weekend cabin in the Swiss countryside. All five victims showing at least one bullet hole in the forehead, hence were shot at point blank range. Apparently none tried to escape or intervene. Thirteen shell casings were found at the scene of the crime. The couple’s car, that the murderer/s used to escape, was located the same day 30 km away. The couple’s son (20) became the prime suspect. Yet neither a motive nor the murder weapon could be found.
Media – Episode 1, Out in the Green
The cabin photographed by the police on June 6, 1976 at approx. 2pm. NOTE: The cardboard on the ground / traces of blood on the steps. © Archives HEV
The cabin photographed by the police on June 6, 1976 at approx. 4pm. NOTE: cardboard and access steps have been removed. © Archives HEV
The official sketch made by the police showing the exact location of the 5 bodies found at the crime scene. © Archives HEV
The body of Anna Westhäuser (2) partly covering that of her brother Eugen Siegrist (3) covered by a chequered blanket. ©StAAG/RBA4-3-122-4412_2
Episode 2, A Day in June
Episode 2 takes a closer look at the victims, especially at Eugen Siegrist, the owner of the cabin and most likely the main target of the assassination and we will look at the Friday, the day prior to the murder when some rather odd events occurred at Eugen’s work place. We then try to establish a detailed account of the events as they could have enfolded on the fatal day in June.
Media – Episode 2, A Day in June
Eugen Siegrist’s OPEL Ascona parked in front of the cabin. The car was later used as a means of escape by the murderer(s). The open door leading to the storage room. ©Robert Siegrist Family Archive
The sign Eugen Siegrist attached to the cabin. ’Think twice before you demolish this hut. The owner has not done you any harm’ ©Robert Siegrist Family Archive
The location where the daughter and police parked their cars, walking the along the forest’s edge to the cabin. Now horse stables (on the far right). ©2024 Playground Media Productions.
The exact location where the cabin stood today. The concrete pillars were removed only recently. ©2024 Playground Media Productions
Episode 3, Suspects and Motives
Taking a close look at the arrest of Robert, the murdered couple’s son, and his girlfriend Anita, whom the police considered the prime suspects. But them having ironclad alibis soon Roberts estranged cousin ‘Johnny’ entered the scene, not least because a few weeks prior to the murder he was seen at a Basel gun store buying ammunition.
Media – Episode 3, Suspects and Motives
Robert Siegrist the murdered couple’s son and first suspect at a family lunch (1975) ©Robert Siegrist Family Archive
Anna Westhäuser, Eugen Siegrist’s sister and mother of Emanuel and Max ©Robert Siegrist Family Archive
Episode 4, Lead #9424
The sensational discovery of the murder weapon, found hidden behind a kitchen unit in an apartment in the town of Olten almost 30 years after the crime, not only renewed the investigators’ hope but also raised a multitude of new questions. Once the registered owner was identified, the police initiated an international manhunt, but the results were less than promising.
Media – Episode 4, Lead #9424
The location behind the kitchen panels where the Winchester rifle was found by Sembinelli 20 years after the murder ©HEV
The original murder weapon, the UBERTI Winchester Replica Mod. 1886 ‘Yellow Boy’ Cal. 38 Special. Note: The sawn-off butt and shortened barrel. @Playground Media Productions
Episode 5, The Fugitve
In episode five we take a close look at Carl Doser, the man that officially owned the murder weapon but fooled the police when questioned about his Winchester 20 years ago. How and where he grew up as well as his social and family background. And we’ll focus on a private investigator that wrote a book about the murder and for the first time ever came up with a motive and theory.
Episode 6, A new hot Lead
A new theory suggests that an unknown individual may have been involved in the murders, proposing that they were carried out not by one person, but possibly two or even three. This theory is supported by testimony from two witnesses, whose statements were made public by the police only years later. Moreover, a recent discovery on the internet could potentially be a groundbreaking revelation.
Media – Episode 6, A new hot Lead